ofm_oia_generic_11. file to
installation directory.
Configure the RBACX_HOME Environment Variable
3. Create the Oracle Identity Analytics Folder Structure
Copy import and export folders from /sample
given in installation package and folder structure should be shown below.
4. Download the Third-Party Library Files
Create a
temporary folder and name it as OIA_LIB and copy the below mentioned libraries.
(I) download
from the Oracle website the
driver if using JDK 1.5, and download the ojdbc6.jar
driver if using JDK 1.6.
(II) Download the jasper-jdt.jar file and paste it to the OIA_LIB
(III) Download the CloverETL Engine class files, version
1.8.1 from this site:
5. To Create the Oracle Identity Analytics Schema on the Database Server
(I) create the service account for OIA in Database
At the SQL prompt, type the following to create schema.
Create a backup copy of the original
file. And extract the war file to Rbacx_staging folder.$ jar xvf ../rbacx.war
7. Update correct path for logs.
In a text editor,
open the log4j.properties
file located in the
WEB-INF folder.· Locate the following line under
# File Appender
· Replace
with the full path to where the log file should be
written.9. In a text editor, open the
file and edit the
following lines, substituting $SERVER_NAME and $PORT_NUMBER with the host name
and connectivity port of the target database.jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin
And the JDBC password should be encrypted using
$ java -jar
-encryptProperty -cipherKeyProperties
-propertyFile ./jdbc.properties -propertyName
10. Open
in a text editor from /conf folder, and replace with appropriate location of
deploy Oracle identity analytics on Weblogic, we have to create a separate
domain, if already OIM is installed.
Steps to create new domain
Navigate to Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/bin/
run config.sh
create new domain option
Mention domain name and domain location.
(iv) Make sure the listening port should not conflict with
OIM server.
12. Deploying on web logic server.
In a browser log in to the Web Logic
administrative console:
In the administration console, go to the left
panel and click Lock & Edit, located under Change Centre.
Click Deployments, located under Domain
Click Install, located in the main panel under Deployments.
The Install Application Assistant opens.
On the Locate Deployment to Install and Prepare
for Deployment page, navigate to the rbacx_staging directory created in step
two and select the folder such that it lists the contents of rbacx.war.
13. To Verify an Oracle Identity Analytics Installation
Browse to your application server log files and verify that
the rbacx.log file is present. This file is created when Oracle Identity
Analytics is deployed to the application server.
Open rbacx.log in a text editor and check for a message
indicating that Oracle Identity Analytics started successfully.
Using a browser, open the following URL: http://Hostname:Port-Number/rbacx
Note — Refer to your application server documentation to
determine the port number your application server uses.
Use the following credentials to log in to the server:
Username: rbacxadmin
Password: password
Upon logging in, the system automatically expires the
default password for the rbacxadmin account and the Change Password page opens.
Create a new rbacxadmin password.